Senin, 26 Juni 2017

tugas softskil

Adjective        : kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun yang dapat berupa orang, tempat, binatang, benda atau konsep abstrak.

Contoh            :
Ø  5 phrase ( 1 adjective )
1.      Bruno Mars has the huge and overly enthusiastic fans.
2.      Your bag is really beautiful
3.      She is a tall and smart woman.
4.      I don’t feel very healthy right now.
5.      This is a black dark room.

Ø  5 phrase ( 2 adjective )
1.      His green wide eyes are quite beautiful.
2.      You are so tired.  It’s better for you to sleep in this  great Australian woman house.
3.      The green sparkling diamond that i gave to her is very expensive.
4.      The woman with long hair is my mom.
5.      An umbrella in green and blue is expensive

Ø  5 phrase ( lebih dari 2 adjective )
1.      The woman with long hair is my mom. But she Rather fussy.
2.      His green wide eyes are quite beautiful. But his skin verry dark.
3.      The verry big dog jumped into the bed.
4.      An umbrella in green and blue is expensive, and so quite beautiful.
5.      The green sparkling diamond that i gave to her is very expensive, and so Terribly pricey.

Adverb                        : kata yang berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat), atau adverb lain.
Contoh            :
Ø  5 phrase ( adverb of frequency )
1.      Yuni seldom  washes her shirt by herself.
2.      My father often surprises me with her gift.
3.      She never eats banana.
4.      We take a vacation at least once annually.
5.      The incubator turns each egg hourly.

Ø   5 phrase ( adverb time )
1.      The children recently went home.
2.      Nana arrives from Osaka today.
3.      meisti finally found a solution to solve her academic problem.
4.      She’ll have dinner at the cafe near her home tomorrow.
5.      He got the birthday surprise party yesterday.

Ø  5 phrase ( adverb place )
1.      She took the child outside.
2.      I'm going back to school.
3.      I searched everywhere I could think of.
4.      They built a house nearby.
5.      John looked around but he couldn't see the monkey.

Ø  5 phrase ( adverb)
1.      Bob nodded as if he understood.
2.      Without thinking, he turned down the road.
3.      Dad spoke softly to calm her fears.
4.      They have a house by the ocean.
5.      In the forest many creatures snarl and growl.


Rabu, 24 Mei 2017


Once upon a time the dog bit the cat's tail off. “Give me back my tail,” said the cat. And the dog said, “Well, I would give you back your tail if you fetched me some milk. If you don’t come on time, you miss tail. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the cow. “The dog will only give me back my tail if I fetch her some milk.”
            And the cow said, “Well, I would give you milk if you got me some hay. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the farmer. “The dog will only give me back my tail if the cow gives me some milk. And the cow will only give me milk if I get her some hay.”
            And the farmer said, “Well, I would give you hay if you brought me some meat. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat  like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the butcher. “The dog will only give me back my tail if the cow gives me milk. And the cow will only give me milk if she gets some hay. And the farmer will only give  me hay if I get him some meat.”
            And the butcher said, “Well, I would give you meat if you made the baker bake me a bread. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat  like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the baker. “The dog will only give me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow will not give me milk if I don’t get her hay. And the farmer will only give me hay if the butcher has some meat for him. And the butcher will not give me meat if you do not bake him a bread.”
            And the baker said, “Well, I will give you bread if you promise never to steal my fish tuna or meal.”
            The cat promised not to steal, and so the baker gave the cat bread, the cat gave the butcher bread. The butcher gave the cat meat, the mouse gave the farmer meat. The farmer gave the cat hay, the cat gave the cow hay. The cow gave the cat milk, the cat gave the dog milk. And the dog gave the cat her tail back.

1.      Type 1
Ø  If you don’t come on time, you miss tail.
Ø  Ask me if you don’t understand.
2.      Type 2
Ø  maybe If I wasn’t so lazy, you're gonna believe me."
Ø  I would give you milk if you got me some hay.
3.      Type 3
Ø  If I’d had the tuna, I probably didn't steal.

Ø  If I’d found some money, I would’ve handed it in for the word of thanks

Tugas softskill Bahas Inggris Bisnis 2


Once upon a time the dog bit the cat's tail off. “Give me back my tail,” said the cat. And the dog said, “Well, I would give you back your tail if you fetched me some milk. If you don’t come on time, you miss tail. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the cow. “The dog will only give me back my tail if I fetch her some milk.”
            And the cow said, “Well, I would give you milk if you got me some hay. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the farmer. “The dog will only give me back my tail if the cow gives me some milk. And the cow will only give me milk if I get her some hay.”
            And the farmer said, “Well, I would give you hay if you brought me some meat. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat  like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the butcher. “The dog will only give me back my tail if the cow gives me milk. And the cow will only give me milk if she gets some hay. And the farmer will only give  me hay if I get him some meat.”
            And the butcher said, “Well, I would give you meat if you made the baker bake me a bread. But that’s impossible to do for a slacker cat  like you.”
            The cat, however, went to the baker. “The dog will only give me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow will not give me milk if I don’t get her hay. And the farmer will only give me hay if the butcher has some meat for him. And the butcher will not give me meat if you do not bake him a bread.”
            And the baker said, “Well, I will give you bread if you promise never to steal my fish tuna or meal.”
            The cat promised not to steal, and so the baker gave the cat bread, the cat gave the butcher bread. The butcher gave the cat meat, the mouse gave the farmer meat. The farmer gave the cat hay, the cat gave the cow hay. The cow gave the cat milk, the cat gave the dog milk. And the dog gave the cat her tail back.

1.      Type 1
Ø  If you don’t come on time, you miss tail.
Ø  Ask me if you don’t understand.
2.      Type 2
Ø  maybe If I wasn’t so lazy, you're gonna believe me."
Ø  I would give you milk if you got me some hay.
3.      Type 3
Ø  If I’d had the tuna, I probably didn't steal.

Ø  If I’d found some money, I would’ve handed it in for the word of thanks

Senin, 24 April 2017

Perfect Modals

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1.      Function
a.       Can                    : Digunakan untuk menyatakan ability (Kemampuan).

Could                 : Digunakan untuk menyatakan ability (kemampuan) dimasa lalu  (past).

Able to             : Be able juga memiliki arti dapat atau mampu. Namun, be able to dapat disandingkan dengan dengan modal lainya seperti (will, would, shall, should)  dan lainya.

b.      Shall            : Digunakan untuk menyatakan simple future seperti halnya will namun hanya digunakan pada first person (orang pertama) I dan we. Shall [US English] jarang digunakan selain untuk polite  question untuk first person.

Should                   : Untuk memberi suggestion (saran) atau advice (nasehat).

Ought to            : Digunakan untuk kalimat yang memberikan saran atau membuat rekomendasi. “Ought to” juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan asumsi atau harapan serta kemungkinan yang kuat, sering digunakan untuk membuat kalimat yang menggambarkan kelayakan, tetapi sejujurnya tidak.

c.       May                   : Untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) dimasa sekarang                                  (present) dan masa depan (future).

Might             : Sama seperti may, modal verb ini digunakan untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future). Might merupakan bentuk past dari may dimana digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission) yang lebih formal dari pada modal verb could. Dibanding may, Might lebih tentatif  (tidak pasti) kejadiannya.

d.      Will                    : Untuk menyatakan willingness (kemauan). Willingness dapat  diungkapkan dalam condition (syarat) maupun invitation (undangan/ajakan).

Would                : Sama seperti will, modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk  menyatakan willingness (kemauan), namun lebih polite (sopan).

e.       Must                 : Digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan dan jika dipadukan                                    dengan not untuk menyatakan prohibition (larangan).

Have to              : Digunakan dalam rangka mengungkapkan kewajiban yang sama seperti must pada kegunaan sebelumnya. Tetapi, perbedaannya adalah have to di gunakan karena terdapat campur tangan atau dari pihak luar yang menyebabkan suatu hal itu menjadi sebuah  kewajiban.

2.      Tingkatan
a.       Must         : Must merupakan tingkatan tertinggi karena must adalah sebuah                             keharusan, jika tidak dikerjakan akan terjadi apa-apa.

b.      Shall         : Shall merupakan keharusan juga namun berbeda dengan must,                               shall yaitu keharusan tetapi jika tidak dikerjakan tidak akan terjadi apa-apa.
c.       Can           : Can menyatakan kemampuan namun tidak akan berpengaruh                                 apa-apa kedepannya jika kita melakukannya maupun tidak.

3.      Example
  •   Can
1)      The boy can make his own breakfast
2)       I can swim.

  •  Could
1)      I could swim when I was 5 years old.
2)      Echi could speak 10 languages

  •  Be able to
1)      She is able to cook.
2)      He is able to fix the car well.

  •   Shall
1)      I shall never forget where Fajar put the wallet on.
2)       Shall I help Mr. Andrew?

  • Should
1)      You should come on time.
2)      You should try to know somebody around you.
  •   Ought to
1)      My father ought to stop slapping me
2)      Waren ought to get the medal.

  •   May
1)      That girl may wear this dress
2)      you may read this book

  • Might
1)      Your fathers’ phone might be in my living room.
2)      Might I borrow your phone?

  •   Will
1)    If I have free time, I will go swimming.
2)    If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.

  •  Would
1)      Would you mind helping me with my presentation?
2)      Would you like to come with me?

  •  Must
1)      I must work harder to achieve my goals.
2)      We must stop complaining about our life.

  • Have to
1)      They sometimes have to work on Saturday.
2)      Do you have to speak English at work?