Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

tugas bisnis 2

The company is the production and gathering of all factors of production.  Any company that is registered with the government there, and some are not. For companies that are registered with the government, they have a business entity for the company. The business entity is the status of the company is officially registered with the government.
Non-Bank Financial Institutions and Banks And Function

Definition of Financial Institutions
The financial institution is intended as an intermediary parties who have surplus funds (surplus of funds) and those who lack even require funding (lack of funds).
According to the Banking Act No.14 / 1967, paragraph b ps.1: Financial Institutions are all entities that through its activities in the financial sector to withdraw money from and directed them in the community.

Forms of Financial Institutions
Forms of financial institutions can be divided into two types. Both have different functions and institutions and also has a derivation according to the function and purpose of each.

1.Lembaga Finance Bank
According to the Basic Banking Law No.14 / 1967 Financial Institutions and the main business providing credit services in payment traffic and the circulation of money.
The term is derived from the Italian bank, "Banca" which means a table used by the money changers in the market. Basically the bank is daycare or store money, credit provider or supplier and also an intermediary in the payment traffic.

a.Sebagai Custody or storage place for money.
The bank provides a letter or a piece of paper in the form as:
§ Current Account or Current Account (Demand Deposit)
That deposit refundable at any time or can be used to make a payment by using the check (pay order).
If we save money in this form usually does not earn income in the form of "deposits"

§ Deposit (Time Deposit)
Ie deposits that are deposited to the bank for a certain period, for example 1, 3, 6, 12 months. In the sense that the money can be used when a predetermined time has arrived. For deposits in the form of a bank usually pay interest on the customer. (Because the bank was able to use the money in his business).
§ Savings.
Substantially similar to time deposits, but savings have different requirements to time deposits. For example Tabanas and others.

b.Sebagai buyer or supplier credit institutions.
In this case the bank can utilize the money saved customers because not everyone at once dating flocked to the bank to get the money back. Utilization done by channeling money to those who need credit or had bought securities that generate interest rate, or even bank credit expansion.
c. As an intermediary in the payment traffic.
The bank acts as a liaison between customers jikamelakukan transaction. In this case the customer does not directly make payments, but ordered enough in the bank to get it done. Besides, the bank also conducts other services include: sending money, buying and selling stocks and foreign exchange as well as to collect money on behalf of customers (Collection). Banks also often offer services in the storage of valuables.

Bank Management
Bank management is how to regulate the use of bank funds. This is because the money was in the bank most of the property of others. It required banks discretion in regulating the use of these funds. The wisdom lies in the maintenance of a proper balance between the desire to make profits in the form of interest rate with the bank's liquidity and solvency purposes.
         Liquidity is the ability of a bank in guaranteeing payment of short-term debt. Measuring the level of liquidity is carried out by comparing the short-term liabilities liquidity tools.
         Solvency is the ability to pay off all debt (short and long jk). Diman bank solvency depends on the solvency of each customer. In order to maintain the solvency of the bank, then the bank should be cautious and should investigate whether the prospective borrower's first truly credible (reliable) and also reliable (Bankble). For this bank credit analysis to the prospective loan requester stating the requirements, known as 5 C , include:
§ Character                  : properties of the prospective borrower
§ Capital                      : the authorized capital of the prospective borrower
§ Capacity                    : the ability of the candidate pemijam
§ Collateral                  : guarantees provided on prospective borrowers and
§ Condition of economy        : the economy

Tata Banking in Indonesia
Basically, the banks can be differentiated according to the function and purpose of its business, namely:
1.Bank Central (Central Bank)
2. Commercial Bank (Commercial Bank)

While other differences only by the owner or manager, namely:
Government 1.Bank
National Private 2.Bank
Foreign 3.Bank (private)

According to the Basic Banking Law No.14 / 1967: Indonesia's banking system was structured so that the Central Bank may supervise the implementation of monetary policy by the banks and to oversee and lead the entire banking system in Indonesia
Thus, Bank Indonesia has the task to coordinate, guide, and oversee the entire world banking in Indonesian state banks and national private and foreign banks.
In the Basic Law Banking No.14 / 1967: Types of Banking Institutions in Indonesia can be divided into five, namely:           
a.       Bank
Indonesia's central bank is the Bank Indonesia (BI) . BI also act as the Bank Circulation.
BI functions and duties regulated by Law No.13 / 1968, stated that Bank Indonesia is the property of the State and is a legal entity. Bank Indonesia is led by a Board of Directors consisting of a governor and 5-7 Directors who are appointed by the President.
The main duties of Bank Indonesia is as follows:
§ Set up, maintain and preserve the stability of the rupiah
§ Encourage the smooth production and development and expand employment opportunities in order to improve the standard of living.

Main Tasks can be specified:
Circulation 1.Sebagai Bank, Bank Indonesia has the sole right to distribute banknotes and coins, which are legal tender.
2.Sebagai Central, Bank Indonesia is the Central Bank to other banks. Where in the banking and credit Bank Indonesia tasked, among others:
§ Demonstrate healthy development of credit and banking affairs
§ Fostering banking by expanding, improving and managing traffic demand deposits and organize payment clearing interbank.
§ Establish general provisions on the solvency and liquidity of banks.
§ Provide guidance to banks to banks in a healthy penatalaksanakan
§ Ask for reports and conduct examinations of all the activities of the bank in order to oversee the implementation of the provisions of the banking
§ menentapkan level and structure of interest
§ Establish quantitative and qualitative restrictions on lending by banks.
§ To provide liquidity loans to banks
§ Can hold provisions relating to the use of funds by financial institutions.
§ To encourage the submission of public funds by banks for the purpose of development of productive effort and planning.
§ Transferring money, either by notification telegram ( telegraphic transfer = TT), or by mail ( mail transfer = MI), buy and sell paper perbendarahaan State
§ Provide a bank guarantee (bank guarantee) with sufficient dependents.

3. As a holder of government cash, Bank Indonesia:
§ Act as the holder of the government's cash
§ Organizing the transfer of money to the government
§ Give credit to the government in the form of overdraft
§ As well as helping the government in the placement of debt securities of State

4. In charge of the international relations of Bank Indonesia, among others:
§ As planners with regard foreign exchange liquidity and solvency position internationally to be submitted to the government through monetary council
§ Oversee, administer, and maintain clerical gold and foreign exchange reserves of the State
§ Supervise and coordinate international payments

Central 5.Bank implementing monetary policy as drafted by the Monetary Board. And the duty of the Monetary Board to assist the government in planning and setting monetary policy, by proposing benchmarks in order to attempt to maintain monetary stability, full employment and improving standards of living. Where monetary council is composed of three members, namely:
§ Ministry of Finance as Chairman
§ The minister responsible for the economy
§ Governor of Bank Indonesia
Monetary policy is conducted by the Central Bank can be separated:
§ Quantitative Control Policy (supervisory discretion quantity), which as the wisdom that is emphasized in order to limit the amount of money in circulation (JUB).
Tools (instruments) which is used to implement this policy are:
a.       rediscount rate policy, raised by the government when too much JUB.
o    With the increased rate of rediscount is expected that by the Commercial banks will also be raised loan interest rate, so expect the community to reduce the desire to take credit bank. Due to JUB ultimately expected to decrease.
o    rediscount lowered in order to stimulate business activities, because then the banks will give you a lower interest rate with the expectations of the people willing to take a loan to expand his business.
b.       Reserves policy requirements
This policy is a determinant factor for the excess reserves of banks (bank excess reserves) and the ability of commercial banks to expand credit
c.        Open market operations
Wisdom is defined as the buying / selling of government securities in order to reduce / increase the JUB. If the government wants to reduce the JUB Central Bank sells government bonds in order to be bought by the public.

§ Qualitative Control Policy (the wisdom of quality control), in the form of margin requirement and direct actions.

b.       Commercial Bank (Commercial Bank).
Is a financial institution that accepts deposits / deposits from the public (depositors) payable on demand and provide credit and services in payment traffic and the circulation of money.
It said the bank because the bank's commercial benefit, which is obtained from the difference between interest received from borrowers with interest paid to bank depositors / customers (spread) .

Functions of Commercial Banks:
1. Collect temporarily idle funds to be lent to other parties or buy securities (financial investment).
2. Simplify the traffic in the payment of money
3. Ensure the safety of the public money while not in use, for example, to avoid the risk of missing, fire and others.
4. Creating a credit (deposit money created) , that is by creating demand deposits (deposits redeemable at any time) of excess reserves (excess reserves)

c. Savings Bank.
Is in the collection of funds banks receive deposits primarily in the form of savings, and in his efforts primarily take into flower-kan-funds in the form of valuable papers safe (solid). If the savings banks want to give credit must menuru rules and guidance from Bank Indonesia. The savings banks may be held / owned by the government, private sector and cooperatives nationwide.

d. Development Bank.
Is in the collection of funds banks receive deposits primarily in the form of deposits or issuing commercial paper and medium-term and long-term and in an attempt to give credit primarily provide long-term credit in the field of development. Development banks can be owned or held by the government (central or local), private, cooperative and foreign.
e. Other secondary banks.
Namely Village Bank, the Village, the Bank Markets, Bank Employees, Co-operative Bank and other equivalent, which is organized by the community.

2.Lembaga Bank Financial (NBFI)
LKBB serves as a fundraiser and channeling funds to and from the public, the intention is to support the development of money and capital markets and help capital firms, since 1972 the Government granted permission LKBB.Sebagaimana known LKBB bagii establishment consists of a type of development finance, types of investments , and other types.
Principal business of Non-Bank Financial Institutions:
o The type of development financing is to give credit medium / long term and do penyiutan capital in the company.
o The type of investment are mainly doing business as an intermediary in issuing securities and warrants as well as bear the unsold securities (underwriter).
o The other type is aimed to meet the needs of society in a particular field such as providing loans to middle-income class society to have a bank.

1. Insurance Company.
Engaged in taking care of all possibilities concerning the soul, and other objects.
Insurance is a form of financial institution that serves as a risk guarantee agency, as well as a collector of funds and institutions channeling funds for investment purposes.
Most types of insurance company investments made in the form of time deposits and purchase of securities in order to reduce the possibility of a loss in their investment. Judging from the type of business, the insurance industry bias divided into three groups, namely:
§ Insurance losses
Insurance, including reinsurance activity is the provision of insurance cover against losses due to fire, transportation and miscellaneous marine hull risk.

§ Life Insurance
The insurance industry has its own style JIW because in general the coverage concerning the long-term contract.         
§ Social Insurance
Social insurance is an insurance which is mandatory by some or all members of society, who keikutsertaanya governed by laws and regulations.
2. Retirement Fund.
Namely that handles retirement funds its assets in the form of long-term government debt. While passivanya berjatuh tempo and form a long-term contribution to (internal)      
3. Finance Company.
That is a company engaged in consumer financing. His wealth in the form of hire purchase and long jangk berjatuh tempo. While the nature of the process in the form of promissory passivanya is the medium-term.
4.       Holding Company
That is the company that holds shares of a subsidiary to the main activity of the company running the group. Berjatuh tempo nature of its assets are long-term as well as in the form of equity. While passivanya form of shares and debt securities due berjatuh long jangk           
5.       Companies that Provide Pieces / discount.
This company falls within the type of money market instruments are its assets in money market instruments berjatuh jangk tempo short. While the nature of the bond and shaped passivanya loans berjatuh medium tempo.
6.       Players Credit Company.
That is mengorganisasika rotating credit groups in which the nature of its assets are short-term maturity berjatuh and shaped turnaround. While the properties are of type passivanya berjatuh turnaround short-term maturity.
7.       Pawnshop.
That bridge organized market in which its assets berjatuh indeterminate tempo and form of the commodity. While passivanya own capital in the form of long-term berjatuh tempo.          

An activity special financing for procurement of capital required by a company with a periodic payment arrangement.
Leasing transaction also gives the right to vote (OPTIE) to service users leasing company, to purchase capital goods that are objects of leasing at the end of the contract period extends the time a lease is based on a mutually agreed residual value.
The development of the leasing industry in addition intended to increase business financing options are also intended to encourage investment and industrialization undertaken by the private sector. In addition, the leasing industry is also geared to attract capital inflows from abroad and the development of non-oil export commodity production, through the utilization of funds and foreign loans for the financing of national investment.

Financial institutions having an intermediary role in the process of strategic financial intermidiasi:

The transfer of assets . Financial institutions have assets in the form of promises to pay by the debtor. The shape of these promises is basically a loan given to deficit units with a certain period in accordance with the needs and deal with the borrower. Financial institutions are really just transferring liabilities into assets with maturities as desired savers. The process of transferring liabilities into assets by financial institutions called transmutation wealth.
Liquidity . ability to obtain cash in times of need. Secondary securities such as current accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit issued by banks have high liquidity, and security in addition to the extra income.
Reallocation of income . Set aside and reallocating income to prepare for the future future. To reallocate income can basically just buy and store items such as houses, land, etc., but by having a secondary securities issued by a financial institution such as a deposit in a bank, life insurance policies, mutual funds, pension plans and so on.
Transactions . Secondary securities issued by a financial intermediary such as checking accounts, savings deposits, time deposits or certificates of deposit, etc., are part of the payment system. Checking account or savings bank specified offered in principle can serve as money. Products deposits issued by the bank and purchased by the household or business unit is intended to facilitate the settlement of transactions of goods and services in addition to correct the position of liquidity purposes. Thus the role of financial institutions as an intermediary is to provide services to facilitate monetary transactions.

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